
My name is Kimberly, I’m an illustrator and art director based in Padua, Italy. I love exploration. Exploring creativity, museums, bookstores, surroundings and the unusual.

The best way to get in touch with me is through email: disegnicontrabbando@gmail.com

Things I'm obsessed with
01.Creative thinking

💡An important activity, along with problem solving and brainstorming, of my daily work. It’s an asset I love to cultivate by reading and being interested in many topics.

02.Small get aways & travel

Absolutely one of my most favorite things! 💛 I was very lucky to have traveled a lot while growing up, it helped me develop an adventures mindset. I picked up the habit in finding inspiration in the places I visit and channeling it into my work.

03.Seeking the unusual

I enjoy the strange and unusual, discovering the uncommon isn’t always easy but, curiosities or the world’s weirdnesses are sooo entertaining, they make great conversation starters and artwork!

04.Simple pleasures

With so many things grabbing our attention, I must practice being more present and mindful in what I do, to enjoy the little things and simple pleasures that may spark up ✨ creativity…

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it.
Jack London